Almost Friday..
The men that wrote the Bible are
as dead wrong as thay come.
The Bible contains the ramblings of men
of old. No different than the Koran, Book of
Morman, and other religious textbooks.
The Bible is boring.....
i have posted this topic before and achieved some good replies from it.
i'm just reposting to see if anyone has any further takes on this matter.
here is my original post:.
Almost Friday..
The men that wrote the Bible are
as dead wrong as thay come.
The Bible contains the ramblings of men
of old. No different than the Koran, Book of
Morman, and other religious textbooks.
The Bible is boring.....
slag off us brits?.
i read all these posts (mainly by a couple of cuddly norwegians) about how the us needs to get it's act together, then there's a flurry of ripostes, the occasional nasty dig, a few generalisations and then the whole thing peters out until some bright spark feels the urge to start off the mischief once again.. well, im sick and tired of belonging to a perfect race and living in a perfect country.
the uk obviously has the best economy, the best soccer teams, the best monarchy, the best teeth, the best cuisine, the best weather, the best tv, the best armed forces, the best penal system, the best paranoids,.
Did you mention the best pubs?
i have posted this topic before and achieved some good replies from it.
i'm just reposting to see if anyone has any further takes on this matter.
here is my original post:.
One thing is sure in life....DEATH
You and I will soon share that same fate.
We will be as dead as your dog will be within
15 years.
You do beleive that at death, you cease to exist
in all forms.. right?
i have posted this topic before and achieved some good replies from it.
i'm just reposting to see if anyone has any further takes on this matter.
here is my original post:.
You are stupid Friday...
Joel has a point...
If Adam and Eve had not sinned, the earh
would have been filled with their children
years ago..
The thought of you not being born.. now that would be nice.
i think these pictures are horrible!.
The Watchtower may not be "terrorists" , but
they sure are can spread terror in the hearts of
their members.
For that I give them the "Supreme Mind Fuckers Award".
here's quite a few, posters please add the many i missed:.
madeline albright (czechoslovakia).
mario andretti (italy).
I think I do know you..
Did you ever attend any
of the Long Beach Cong.
or the Lamert assembly?
hi, my name is shari ann pieske aguillon, i was a member of your cult.
i want my name off of your members list, or whatever it is you keep.
the last address you had on me was 7553 stoney hill rd wake forest nc, 27526. .
Friday said,
"You might as well give up on the idea that the WTS monitors this forum, because they don't give a rat's bottom what a bunch of irresponsibles think or say."
Thanks Friday for being here on this board. At least you
care what we say and think. It's to bad those Fucks in
Crooklyn can't take your lead in Brotherly Love.
here's quite a few, posters please add the many i missed:.
madeline albright (czechoslovakia).
mario andretti (italy).
May I ask...
Do you live in L.A.?
a few malcontents railing against the evils of the watchtower society.
belittled by shills like henry p and others.
but make no mistake about it, these web sites frighten the gerontocrats that run this sick cult.. why?.
Ray Franz on the internet?
Why would he want to waste
his precious time here when
he has so little of it left?
yes, that is correct.
bethel coach tours will make your trip to ny more enjoyable by taking you to the united nations building on a sightseeing trip.. as per their website:.
we can even put together a very enjoyable sightseeing itinerary: empire state building, the world's largest macy's, historical south st. seaport, china town / little italy, united nations building, metropolitan, museum of art, statue of liberty, see a broadway play, times square, central park, woolworth building, chrysler building, or even a manhattan / ny / hudson river cruise!.
"And while you visit, you can do some
research in the Devil's library".